Saturday, August 22, 2009

Planning for the upcoming school year

I have been super busy this last week getting everything ready for our official first day of school next Monday. The children are so excited they can hardly wait! It is so much fun to see them happy about learning.

We have tried nature journals in the past but we tend to be stop and go. This year I am beyond thrilled to have found this blog. (Can anyone help me put links in my blog posts?)

Here is a quick show of last weekend in pictures:

I found this yummy blueberry cake recipe at

Sunday, August 09, 2009


"Keep your face to the sunshine
and you cannot see the shadow.
It's what sunflowers do."
by Helen Keller

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Neglected garden

We didn't expand our garden this year as planned. Our little garden was planted but pretty much neglected. I have a few pictures to show you though.

Round Black Spanish Radish:

Royalty Purple Podded Snap Bush Bean:


Moon and Stars Watermelon:



I leave you with this thought:

Connection with gardens, even small ones, even potted plants, can
become windows to the inner life. The simple act of stopping and
looking at the beauty around us can be prayer.
- Patricia R. Barrett, The Sacred Garden

Friday, August 07, 2009

Garden Sanctuary

I will have garden pictures tomorrow. For now I leave you with a lovely gardening poem.

Garden Sanctuary~
You who walk,
Maybe with troubled thoughts,
Come, enter here and rest;
And may the sweet serenity of growing things,
And the heavenly peace,
Be mirrored in thy soul.

-Doxis M. Palmer