Thursday, December 20, 2007

We have the PLAGUE!

We are all sick over here. Really, really sick. Some nasty cold has invaded and it is winning at the moment. No knitting has been done in the last few days and I do not know if the Christmas knitting will be finished in time. :(

I am off to drink hot tea and snuggle little sick babies.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


These are for Jack:

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pattern: Uncle Chubb's Fleece Stuffed Mitten
yarn: Peace Fleece
colorway:Ancient Fern
size: Large+
needles: US 8

These are for Hannah:

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pattern: LTK Family Mittens
yarn: LTK Farm Wool
colorway: Cranberry
size: Toddler
needles: US 7

These I have started for John:

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And these for Christy:

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

The 12 Days of Homeschooling

I thought this was fun!

The 12 Days of Homeschooling By Anonymous

On the first day of homeschool my neighbor said to me,
“Can you homeschool legally?”

On the second day of homeschool my neighbor said to me,
“Are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?”

On the third day of homeschool my neighbor said to me,
“Do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?”

On the fourth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me,
“What about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?”

On the fifth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me,
“YOU ARE SO STRANGE! What about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?”

On the sixth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me,
“How long will you homeschool, YOU ARE S0 STRANGE, what about P.E. , do you give them tests,
are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?”

On the seventh day of homeschool my neighbor said to me,
“Look at what they’re missing, how long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE!,
what about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, do you homeschool legally?”

On the eighth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me,
“Why do you do this, look at what they’re missing, how long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE,
what about P.E. do you give them tests, are they socialized, do you homeschool legally?”

On the ninth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me,
“They’ll miss the prom, why do you do this, look at what they’re missing, how long will you homeschool,
YOU ARE SO STRANGE!, what about P.E. do you give them tests, are they socialized, do you homeschool legally?”

On the tenth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me,
“What about graduation, they’ll miss the prom, why do you do this, look at what they’re missing, how long will you homeschool,
YOU ARE SO STRANGE!, what about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?”

On the eleventh day of homeschool my neighbor said to me,
“I could never do that, what about graduation, they’ll miss the prom, why do you do this, look at what they’re missing, how
long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE, what about P.E., do you give them tests, are they socialized,
can you homeschool legally?”

On the twelfth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me,
“Can they go to college, I could never do that, what about graduation, they’ll miss the prom, why do you do this,
look at what they’re missing, how long will you homeschool, YOU ARE SO STRANGE, What about P.E.,
do you give them tests, are they socialized, can you homeschool legally?”

On the thirteenth day of homeschool I thoughtfully replied:
“They Can go to college, yes you can do this, they can have graduation, we don’t like the prom, we do it cuz its best,
they are missing nothing, we’ll homeschool forever, WE ARE NOT STRANGE!,
We give them P.E., and we give them tests, they are socialized, AND WE HOMESCHOOL LEGALLY!

On the fourteenth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me,
“How can I get started, why didn’t you tell me, where do I buy curriculum, when is the next conference, WILL PEOPLE THINK WE’RE STRANGE? I think we can do this, if you will help us, can we join P.E. and we’ll homeschool legally.”

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Beautiful Sabbath

Today is absolutely beautiful! The weather is cold and crisp and sunny. Just perfect for the sabbath.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

It has been a while

Things have been busy here and not much knitting has been going on. I only have two FO's to show you.

First up, longies for Hannha:

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pattern: LTK Picky Pants
size: Medium
yarn: Peace Fleece Worsted
colorway: Tundra
needles: US 8

and then, socks for Toby:

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pattern: my own basic sock pattern
size: just right for Hunter's feet
yarn: Colinette Jitterbug
colorway: Jay
needles: US 1.5

Baby needs more longies and John would like his second sock knit. Christmas knitting needs to be started as well.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

I LOVE knitting for Autumn babies!

My niece is expecting a baby boy next month. This is for him:

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pattern: LTK Pumpkin Hat
size: Newborn
yarn: Plymouth Encore
colorways: Pumpkin & Dark Green
needles US 4 & 6


patern: LTK Moc Booties
size: Newborn
yarn: Plymouth Encore
colorway: Dark Green
needles: US 6

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Pumpkin Hat in a Pumpkin Patch!

This is for my new niece too:

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pattern: LTK Pumpkin Hat
size: Newborn
yarn: Plymouth Encore
colorways: Pumpkin and Dark Green
needles: US 4 & 6

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Blossom and Bootees!

Blossom and Bootees for my new niece:

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pattern: Blossom from MagKnits
size:0-3 months
yarn: Knit Picks Andean Treasure
colorway: Wild Rose Heather
needles: US 3 & 5


pattern: Saartje's Bootees
size: Newborn
yarn: Knit Picks Andean Treasure
colorway: Wild Rose Heather
needles: US 3

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Pioneer Day

Today was Pioneer Day and we had a wonderful dinner! John and Jack cooked little chickens on the fire and we ate those, homemade bread and butter and corn on the cob. It was fabulous! We talked about the pioneers and the things they suffered and experienced. We talked about the way of life and sang songs(walked, and walked, and walked............) LOL!

In knitting news:

This is what I am knitting with the baby alpaca
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It is so pretty and soft
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It is a "Cardigan for Merry" for my Hannah.

A couple of weekends ago I knit this:
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pattern: Ball Band Dish Cloth from MDK
yarn:Peaches and Cream Cotton
colorways: Pumpkin and Warm Brown
needles: US 8

I love the detail
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I love this dish cloth so much that I have kept it in my knitting basket loathe to use it. Today I needed to wipe down the counters and all of my towels and dish rags were in the washer. In desperation I wet the beauty of a dish cloth and used it. I LOVE it! It is so scrubby and thick. :)

So, I cast on for a fraternal twin for it:
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I love knitting! *grin*

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Poor Krull

I started John's socks the end of May. I was in love with the yarn and the pattern and I was just cruising along. He was very happy and excited to wear them. Then I became bored with them. I cast on and finished the Apron top without even picking up the sock. Then I cast on and finished the doll. When that was done I knit a few rounds of the sock and then cast on for the MS3. Here it is with chart A finished:
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It is not blocked and it looks pretty raw but I love it. :)

This is not all. I swatched for something else(super soft baby alpaca!)and have big plans to cast on for it tonight. Pictures to come.

I feel a little guilty. He hasn't said anything about it but I know he really wants these socks. I suppose I should go knit a bit more on the sock.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Happy Birthday Sweet Hannah!

My baby is 1 today! Little Hannah was born into my hands one year ago. She is an adorable bundle of love and fire.

Mama loves you baby!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Little Dolly

For Hannah's first birthday coming up:

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pattern: LTK Fluffy Doll
yarn: Peace Fleece
colorway: Natural
needles: US 8

Friday, July 06, 2007

Because I want to

I have been seeing things posted about the Mystery Stole 3 all over the internet. I really wanted to join but it says the project is not recommended for inexperienced lace knitters. That's me. No lace experience. I had decided I just was going to have to pass this year. I could learn to knit lace and then join MS4 next year.

I read The Yarn Harlot's blog last night and fell. Hard.

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This is my guage swatch. It was loads of fun to knit. I do not think this yarn is laceweight though. My sister got it from a friend of hers and then gave it to me. There is just a little tag on it that says 100% wool. I used size 5 needles and think I need to go up one or two more. I am trying to decide if I will go ahead and use this yarn or head to my LYS this afternoon.

Here is the doll stuffed and felted:
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Thursday, July 05, 2007

A work in progress

This is a doll I am knitting for Hannah. Her first birthday is in a few days. Here is the doll knit. It still needs to be stuffed, closed up, felted and then hair and a face put on.

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Stone Soup

Last Tuesday(John has Tuesdays off)I told the children the story of Stone Soup. They were enthralled and we had a great discussion after about the moral of the story. Then we talked about each of us having unique strengths and talents and how working together as a family benefits all. We discussed each person and their strengths and it was an amazing afternoon. Then we made Stone Soup! I filled a dutch oven with some water and put a stone in it. Jack and John built a fire outside and then we all put something in the pot. It cooked outside and we watched it bubble and smelled the yumminess coming from the pot.

We had Stone Soup and homemade bread for dinner. It was a hit! I LOVE homeschooling and the opportunities it affords our family!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

My Saturday Night

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Chamomile tea, homemade chocolate chip cookies and knitting. *grin*

Saturday, June 30, 2007

For Hannah

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pattern: LTK Apron Top
size: 12-18 months
yarn: Rowan All Seasons Cotton
colorway: ???
needles: US 10

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I swatched last night:

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Friday, June 01, 2007

This is John's sock on our little wood pile. We burn it in our BBQ and cook in our dutch oven too.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My mom came over yesterday and she loved my socks! She tried them on and said they felt so good and that hand knit socks are such a decadence. Sooooo, I think I will knit her a pair of socks for christmas instead of a shawl.

I told John about it and he said he knows his mom would love a pair too. LOL! Socks it is!

Monday, May 21, 2007

I finished my sock yesterday!

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I love them!

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pattern: I made one up using lots of different ideas
yarn: Yarn Love Juliet
colorway: Cupid and Spring Green
needles: size 1 dpn's

I thought I would list what I have OTN and the moment and then what I have planned for the next little bit.

Longies for Toby
Socks for John
LTK Babywearer Poncho for me

Longies for Hannah
Hat and Mitten set for MIL for Christmas
Shawl for my mom for Christmas
More socks for me
Sweaters for the children

I also really want to learn to spin.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I bought new running shoes yesterday! They are my Mother's Day present. I LOVE them! I cannot believe what a difference good shoes makes.

Normally I wear a size 7.5 shoe. The guy at the running store told me that bigger shoes are better for your feet when running. A bigger size allows your foot to flex and move more naturally. My shoes are a size 9. Wow. I was worried about it even though I know he knew what he was talking about. He said they fit me well and I would do great.

They are wonderful! It felt so good to run in them today. I am very happy about this.

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I also bought two pairs of socks. Now, my idea of a good sock is one that is big and warm and cozy and reaches close to my knee. These are nothing like that. They are little, thin, ankle socks. I thought I would hate them. I don't though. They were wonderful to run in.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

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Toby's longies. Peace Fleece Glastnost Gold and Chickie Masla.

Friday, May 04, 2007

I have started a Couch to 5K program. Yay for me! Today I did wk1 workout3. I feel really good. I need new shoes to run in and I was advised by some online runners to go to a speciality running store. There they can get me what I need. They will assess my gait(a patheric shuffle at the moment)and fit me for the perfect running shoe. Maybe next week, if finances cooperate.

I started knitting a pair of longies for Hunter. I will post a picture tomorrow.

Monday, April 30, 2007

I knit this hat on Saturday for the Warm Woolies project. I think it turned out cute and took no time at all. It fits Hannah with a bit of room.
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pattern: I made one up.
size: 12-24 months
yarn: Lion Brand worsted held double
colorway: garden something?
needles: US 11

I weaved in the ends on this sweater on Sunday. I started it last Fall and it was to be for Toby. It does not fit him now and it really won't come next Fall/Winter. I will add this to my growing little pile for Warm Woolies.
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pattern: :LTK Raglan in the Round
size: 3T
yarn: Lamb's Pride Bulky
colorway: Deep Charcoal
needles: US 8 & 10.5

My sock progress is coming along slowly but surely and I can't wait to have both socks to wear. I sit and knit on the second sock while wearing the first. It gives me motivation.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Yesterday we started the day with our devotional snuggled in my bed. It was really nice! We memorized the First Article of Faith(our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, has 13 Articles of Faith, things we believe.) Then we had breakfast and did some laundry. While I made breakfast Gunnar read to the other kids. We had Gathering Time and learned our entry for the day. I have a book called The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy by E.D. Hirsch, Jr. It is divided into sections and yesterday we were in the Fine Arts section, our entry was a cappella. We are still sick and my throat is killing me so instead of me reading lots to the children they read to themselves, each other, the babies, and me! We also did a review of the last 4 chapters we have studied in SoTW.

After lunch I studied. I read my scriptures and wrote in my common place book(like a journal). I record the passages that stick out to me and the thoughts I have, the inspiration I find. I also read a bit more in As A Man Thinketh.

After dinner John and I watched Dejva Vue-good movie! I then finished As A Man Thinketh and prepared the devotional I gave this morning in my study group. We had a colloquium on As A Man Thinketh. It was very interesting to hear others thoughts and ideas about the same thing I had read.

Hannah is feeling much better and slept rather well.

I managed to knit a few rouunds on my sock but I am not making much progress. I hope to spend more time knitting today.

I can NOT stop thinking about the STR yarn over at Blue Moon Fiber Arts. I want to order the Puck's Michief, Socktopus, Mustang Sally, Beryl, and Mudslide. *sigh* The Mustang Sally seems pretty bold for me but I love the Winter's Eve pattern over there and want to get it and knit it in the MS. It is funny because last month I was sitting here on the computer looking at yarn and John comes in and said "more yarn?" and I said "Yes, it is a sickness." and he replied, "If it makes you happy it's all good." I love that man!

Monday, April 23, 2007

We have all been very sick the last few days. Coughs, earaches, headaches, etc... I haven't done much knitting but I did cast on my second sock. I have been drooling over the patterns and yarn over at . I have the Lucy colorway and the Cedar Creek pattern but haven't cast on yet. I need to finish this sock and then John wants a pair of socks, then I plan on knitting the Cedar Creek socks.

Hannah is cutting her very first tooth. My baby is growing up!

I am reading As A Man Thinketh by James Allen. I am really liking it.

Last Spring I started reading Shakespeare. I was reading The Merchant of Venice and the children wanted to know what I was reading. So I told them a bit about the story and they loved it. Then they wanted me to read it to them. They LOVE the sound of it! This was such a great example of "inspire not require"! We have also read Twelfth Night. The kids were laughing so hard. We are about to start Much Ado About Nothing. In a couple of weeks we will be attending the play put on by a group of Scholar Phase children. We are all looking forward to it!

Monday, April 16, 2007

I received my April Magic Ball of Yarn Swap package today! I am so happy, more sock yarn! Yippee!

All wrapped up:
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The yarn is Plymouth Sockotta. A very pretty blue/green colorway. I am one lucky knitter!

Speaking of socks, I give you MY VERY FIRST SOCK!!!!!
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I am beyond pleased!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

What are your kids’ ages and pseudonyms?

Gunnar(ds) is 9, Rain(dd) is 7, Hunter(ds) is 3, and Clementine(dd) is 9 months old.

How long have you been home schooling? Is there a story behind it?

It has been in my heart for so long. I was in High School when I decided I would home school my children. We have been home schooling since our oldest was born.

Does your home school have a name or a mission statement?

Storm Haven Academy. We want our home to be a haven from life’s storms for our entire family.

What is your general home schooling philosophy?

We use a Thomas Jefferson Education (TJEd). It is hard for me to put it all into words but I will give it a try. TJEd is about inspiring a child to do the work to get a superb education for themselves. I need to be a mentor to my children not a teacher. TJEd is not a methodology but a set of principles and different children need them applied in different ways. These principles are:

Classics not textbooks
Mentors not professors
Quality not conformity
Structure time not content
Inspire not require
Simplicity not complexity
You not them

There are different phases that one goes through. You have the Core Phase which is roughly ages 0-8. The most important things I can teach my children at this age are good/bad, true/false, and right/wrong. Core phasers work and play. A key word for core phasers is “Let’s”. Let’s make the bed, let’s do the dishes, let’s play Go Fish, let’s play ball. Together.

Love of Learning phase (LoL) comes next, roughly ages 8-12. I was at a workshop that explained it this way. LoL is like a hummingbird phase. Children flit from one thing to another. They want to try it all. They are falling in love with learning and want to taste, touch and try everything. Take your cues from them and let them go at their own pace. You ask them, “What do you want to learn today and how can I help you?”

These are the phases of the children I have. There is also a Scholar phase roughly 12-18 and these children choose to take responsibility for their own education and do the work to attain it. You work with them.

I absolutely LOVE these principles and they way applying them has worked in our family.

Do you use a curriculum?

No, but I use pieces of lots of different things.

do you or your children have any special interests or hobbies that influence your home schooling?

Everything we do is following an interest they have. Gunnar loves to move! He needs to play hard and often. Rain loves to sing. Hunter is a typical 3yo and is curious about everything. Clementine loves nursing and being the center of attention.

What is your typical daily routine? weekly routine?

We start with Devotional and then have breakfast and clean up a bit. Then we have Gathering Time. This is when we all get together and I read to the children from whatever book we are reading at the moment and I and share with them something that is “mine”, something that I am excited about. Some weeks we use Five in a Row. This last week we rowed Make Way for Ducklings. We had a lot of fun.

An important part of TJEd for the young ones is that you structure the time, not the content. The children can pretty much do whatever they want. We have a few rules: NO T.V./movies and NO video games. Anything else is fair game.

I am available to them and we do most things together. We play a lot of board/card games. I read to them more if they want. We work together too. The children help me fold laundry, load the dishwasher etc…

Gunnar is in LoL phase and he often wants to learn about something neat and so we look at books or find info on the internet or write books or do science experiments or paint or draw or many other things. Rain joins us a lot but still spends a good amount of her time playing swords, or dolls or knitting(who can blame her?) or whatever with Hunter.

Gunnar and Rain both have math workbooks because they wanted them and sometimes they will pull them off of the shelf and work on them. Gunnar is obsessed with Egypt and so I am reading to the children out of our Story of the World book vol.1: Ancient times. They love coloring the maps. Yesterday we read about ancient writing and then the kids practiced writing using hieroglyphs.

Most days they want to read to me and each other. Hunter asks to be read to 500 hundred times a day and Gunnar and Rain love to read to him.

Then we have lunch. After lunch they continue doing what they did that morning but they can also watch a movie or play a video game or play outside. Outside usually wins!

During the afternoon I study. This is the you not them principle. I need to gain an education for myself so I can help my children gain their own education. I am interrupted a billion times but it is good for the little ones to see me working hard at learning. (Some days I need to remind myself of this as I get frustrated.) Many times they ask me to read to them the book I am reading. Another huge part of TJEd is to inspire, not require. I do my best to inspire my children to want to learn.

Evenings we have dinner and watch T.V. or movies together.

Do you have any special methods/tips for planning? household organization? storage? record keeping?


Thursday, April 12, 2007

This is what I knit for my new nephew.
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pattern: LTK Picky Pants/shorts
yarn: Plymouth Encore
needles: US 8

I love them and I think my SIL will too.

Sock progress:
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Pretty cool, no?

Today John had the day off so not much schooling got done. The kids read for an hour this morning and then we all just chilled. I read Alma chapters 54-56 and journaled.

I just pulled some homemade wheat bread out of the oven and I am off to make soup. It is a cold windy day and that always puts me in the mood for soup and bread.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

You know, when I told John I was going to knit my SIL's baby those overall he said they were ugly. He said I shouldn't do it. I was actually very offended. I thought they were adorable! I was excited to knit them. They would be the best gift ever! He then said. "Well, I think if you do them one color like you were planning instead of stripey like the picture they will be cute. And, I couldn't really see the picture when you showed me anyways............." He was trying to make me feel better. I was almost finished with them. I had about an inch left to knit. I was loving the cute little overalls and I KNEW that my SIL would too. I picked them up to finish and it hit me. THESE ARE UGLY! HOW did this happen? You would think I would have had misgivings along the way. Maybe they wouldn't be as spetacular as I though they would be. But, no. I had no such thoughts. Only John's warning that I thought was not relevent as he is a non-knitter anyway. SOB!

I couldn't give them to my SIL. I just couldn't. I knit somethimg else instead and I am very happy about it. I will post a picture tomorrow.

I never really post about homeschooling but things are going great. We are having lots of fun learning and I am so grateful to be able to have this opportunity with my children. I will try to be better about posting what we do each day, or at least on the days I blog.

I am reading a powerful book right now called "In My Hands: Memories of a Holocaust Rescuer" by Irene Gut Opdyke. I really recommend this book.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Sock progress:

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I am so loving this!

My sweet little Tobias climbed in my lap last night while I was knitting and asked where his yarn and needles were so he could "knid". He is so adorable! I happily gave him some yarn and needles and he set right to work.

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He wanted to use the needles as swords. I was not surprised! LOL!

I taught Jack and Christy to knit a year and a half ago. Jack thinks it is ok but doesn't do it anymore. Christy LOVES knitting and right now she is working on a hat.

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Thursday, March 29, 2007

I have been knitting a little on the other gift for my nephew.
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They are going to be a cute little pair of overalls. I really do need to finish them this week but I have been sidetracked:
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I LOVE this yarn! It is the Yarn Love sock yarn I received in the swap. It is just beautiful and I don't want to put it down. The cuff is 1x1 ribbing and it didn't hurt my hand. I think it may be the method. I am knitting this sock on dpn's and the one that did hurt my hand was on 2 circ's. Hmmmmmmmm...............

Monday, March 26, 2007

My sweet nephew was born yesterday. Welcome earthside little guy! My SIL is going to be an amazing mama! My heart is overflowing with joy for her and her husband and new son.

I finished this yesterday for baby nephew:
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pattern: LTK Pumpkin Hat
yarn: Plymouth Encore Worsted
colorways: orange and green
needles: US 4&6

and started this for him as well:
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Can anyone guess what is is?

I wound this up for my sister this morning:
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I taught her to knit 3 years ago and we have much fun with it. She wants to knit a pair of socks so I am taking this over to her soon. It is LTK Farm Wool/cotton in lilac and sage. This photo doesn't do it justice. It is a light worsted/DK weight.

Speaking of knitting socks, I am truely obsessed. For the last three nights my dreams have been filled with knitting socks, buying sock yarn, and wearing fabulous hand knit socks! I really must cast on a pair for me soon. I hope to finish the second gift for my nephew today or tomorrow and then socks, here I come! I think the poor sock I showed you all a few days ago will be frogged. RIP!

I am going to make some tea and drink it with my bagel and then start in on our day.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Look what arrived in the mail yesterday. It is from the MDC March Magic Yarn Ball Swap.

Here it is all wrapped up:
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It is just fabulous! The yarn is sock yarn form Yarn Love. Cupid and Spring Green colorways. I can't wait to cast on a pair of socks with it! My swap partner also sent me a pretty ribbon, some yummy tea and chocolate, some stitch markers, wool wash, cute needles, and an adorable sock blocker key chain with a pattern to knit a tiny sock so go on it! I am so happy!

We took the kids target practicing on Friday and then we made foil dinners on coals last night. John has had the last three days off and we have had a blast! Jack and Christy had Science class yesterday and made periscopes with mirrors.

I am going to try to post everyday. Hopefully in the morning before the children wake up.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Yesterday was our 10th wedding Anniversary. John brought these home. I love them!

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I started this for my baby nephew that is due to be born in the next couple of weeks. It is a pumpkin hat for this coming fall. My SIL loves the ones my children have and begged me to knit one for her little guy.

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

I am a sporadic blogger. I make no apologies. It is not like anyone is reading this anyways. :) This more for me.

This is my attempt a my first sock.

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I started it almost 3 years ago. I don't like the way the yarn(Lion Brand Magic Stripes)feels and I hate knitting the 2x2 ribbing. It makes my hand hurt. I pull it out every once in a while when I really want hand knit socks for myself and knit a few rounds. It is always the same, I don't like the feel of the yarn, I hate knitting the 2x2 ribbing and it makes my hand hurt.

I really should just frog it but I don't want to waste all the the pain and ribbing. I want to weep when I think of knitting the second sock. I tell myself that I will knit these and they will be my practice socks. Then I can order some super decadent sock yarn and knit what I want.

Look what came in the mail yesterday.......................

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